A Rotary fellowship is a group of individuals who globally unite around a common interest, culture, vocation, or recreational activity with the primary purpose to network and further friendship. Membership in a fellowship is open to any interested individual.
Per RI’s policies, Rotary Fellowships must be chaired by a Rotarian, Rotaractor. The code of policies also states that in order to maintain active status the Fellowship chair must be reported annually to RI. Please submit updates for your Fellowship Officer Information to Rotary using the following form. A reminder that any member of a fellowship can be an officer, they do not have to be a Rotarian, Rotaractor, or Peace Fellow.
Please note: reported officer information will be shared in resources promoting Rotary Fellowships. If you do not wish for your contact information to be shared with the family of Rotary, please contact rotaryfellowships@rotary.org.