Thank you for your interest in proposing a new Rotary Fellowship for official recognition. 
IMPORTANT: In order to submit this application, you should complete or collect the following items ahead of time in order to complete this online application in a timely manner. You can also preview a sample application here.
1.)  Familiarize yourself with the Fellowships section of the Rotary Code of Policies.
2.)  Draft proposed bylaws consistent with RI policy (please use this template to create your bylaws).
3.)  List of proposed officers (a minimum of three) including names, email addresses, phone numbers, club name, country, fellowship role, and description of responsibilities. 
4.)  Establish a website or social media plan and include a link in your application. You will need to provide a short description of your proposed web plan including which platform the group will use and the proposed URL. 

5.)  Review the Rotary Fellowships Visual Identity Guidelines for guidance on naming your fellowship and logo design guidelines.